Compare the Best Commercial Fire Insurance in Singapore

We partner with business insurance specialists to help you compare and find the best commercial fire insurance policies.

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What is Commercial Fire Insurance?

Commercial fire insurance in Singapore is designed to protect businesses from financial losses resulting from fire damage.

This insurance covers the costs of repairing or rebuilding physical structures and can also include coverage for contents and loss of income due to business interruption.

It is a crucial safeguard for any business operating in physical spaces, as it ensures that the business can recover and resume operations with minimal disruption following a fire incident.

This type of insurance is essential in mitigating the risks associated with potential fires, which can be devastating in dense urban environments like Singapore.

Why Commercial Fire Insurance?​


Safeguard Your Business Infrastructure

Commercial fire insurance in Singapore is essential to protect your physical business assets from damage or destruction caused by fire. This coverage ensures that you can afford repairs or reconstruction without bearing the full financial burden, which can be substantial.


Ensure Business Continuity

By covering not only the physical damages but also the potential loss of income, commercial fire insurance helps maintain business operations during recovery periods. This means your business can sustain cash flow and meet financial obligations even when operations are temporarily halted.


Compliance and Peace of Mind

Many business leases and lending agreements in Singapore require adequate insurance coverage, including commercial fire insurance. Having this insurance not only complies with legal and contractual obligations but also provides peace of mind, knowing your business is protected against unforeseen disasters.


Protect Your Business Reputation

Quick recovery from a fire incident, enabled by commercial fire insurance, helps maintain your business reputation. Being able to swiftly resume operations demonstrates reliability and resilience to your clients and stakeholders, reinforcing trust in your brand.



Commercial fire insurance in Singapore offers a more affordable alternative to broader commercial property insurance while still providing substantial protection against fire damage. This allows for lower premiums, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses looking to manage risks without overextending their financial resources.


Lower Returns

The cash value component grows at a conservative rate, which might be lower than returns from other investment options, potentially leading to missed opportunities.

Who should get commercial fire insurance?

Manufacturing Facilities

Manufacturing businesses in Singapore, particularly those dealing with flammable materials or processes, benefit significantly from commercial fire insurance. This insurance helps manage the high risk of fire, safeguarding expensive machinery and inventory that are crucial for operations.

Businesses with Physical Property

Businesses with physical property, especially those with extensive inventories like electronics or furniture stores, need commercial fire insurance to protect their stock and premises from fire damage. This insurance is vital for minimising disruptions and financial losses due to fire incidents.

Food and Beverage Establishments

Restaurants, cafes, and bars in Singapore operate with high risks of fire due to cooking and electrical equipment. Commercial fire insurance is crucial for these businesses to cover the potential extensive damage to property and loss of income, ensuring quick recovery and continuity of service.

Best Commercial Fire Insurance Plans in Singapore

liberty insurance logo

Liberty Commercial Fire Insurance

Liberty Insurance's Fire & Extraneous Perils policy offers robust protection for your business assets against a wide array of risks.

This comprehensive coverage safeguards your property, machinery, inventory, and other contents from perils such as fire, lightning, explosion, and accidental water damage.

It also extends to cover losses from floods, riots, and strikes, ensuring that your business is prepared for both common and exceptional risks. The strength of this policy lies not only in its broad coverage but also in the assurance that it can provide to business owners.

By securing this insurance, you protect the backbone of your operations and maintain stability even in the face of unpredictable damage.

This policy is tailored to ensure that your business does not suffer unnecessary interruptions or financial setbacks, allowing you to focus on growth and sustainability.

Whether it’s a small mishap or a large-scale disaster, Liberty’s coverage stands as a vigilant protector of your business continuity.
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MSIG Commercial Fire Insurance

MSIG Singapore offers a Fire & Perils insurance policy that serves as a comprehensive shield, protecting your business from the extensive damage that fire and other perils can cause.

This policy covers material damage arising from not only fire but also other significant threats such as explosions, water damage, natural disasters, and malicious damage.

By encompassing a variety of risks, MSIG ensures that your business assets are secured against unexpected events that could otherwise severely impact your financial stability. One of the key strengths of MSIG's Fire & Perils policy is its expansive coverage, which gives business owners peace of mind knowing that they are protected against a wide spectrum of risks.

This is particularly crucial for maintaining business operations and safeguarding against potential interruptions that could derail progress.

This strategic coverage fortifies your business’s resilience against disasters, helping you to quickly recover and sustain operations even under adverse conditions.
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Tokio Marine Commercial Fire Insurance

Tokio Marine's Fire Insurance policy is designed to transform potential loss or damage into solid assurance, providing coverage for your property against fire, lightning, and explosions caused by domestic gas usage.

This fundamental protection is pivotal for businesses looking to shield their physical assets from common but potentially devastating risks. The policy offers 2 levels of coverage: Basic and Extended.

The Basic cover includes damage due to fire, lightning, and limited explosions, while the Extended cover, available for an additional premium, adds protections against aircraft damage, impact damage, burst or overflow of water tanks, apparatus or pipes, malicious damage, and riots or strikes.

Additional benefits like removal of debris, coverage for automatic sprinkler upgrades, and fees for architects, engineers, and surveyors are also available to enhance the policy.

These provisions ensure that not only is the immediate damage addressed, but also the aftermath and recovery processes are smoothed over. Tokio Marine's Fire Insurance stands out by offering tailored solutions that cater to various business needs, providing peace of mind with a comprehensive range of coverage options.

This policy ensures that businesses can quickly rebound from fire-related incidents with minimal disruption, safeguarding both physical assets and operational continuity.
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Etiqa Commercial Fire Insurance

Etiqa's Fire Mortgage Interest Policy provides specialised insurance designed to protect the interests of mortgagees against loss or damage to properties due to fire or lightning.

This policy is structured to ensure that in the event of destruction or damage during the policy period, compensation is directed towards the mortgagee in line with their priority, as stipulated under the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act 2004.

The policy covers the usual perils associated with fire and lightning but also includes provisions for spontaneous combustion, except as otherwise provided under specific conditions.

Etiqa’s Fire Mortgagee Interest Policy stands out for its clarity in protecting the financial interests of lenders, ensuring they recover their investments in the event of a fire, thereby reducing the financial risk associated with property lending.

The policy's detailed exclusions also help in setting clear expectations about coverage limits, making it a crucial tool for risk management in property finance.
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Sompo Commercial Fire Insurance

Sompo offers a comprehensive Property Insurance suite that includes several distinct coverages tailored to protect business assets and operations.

The insurance covers material damage to buildings, fixtures, and contents against a wide array of perils such as fire, earthquakes, floods, and malicious damage.

This policy is specifically designed to address the physical damage risks businesses face, ensuring continuity in the face of disasters.

Furthermore, Sompo's Business Interruption insurance is a critical component that protects against losses of profit, overhead expenses, and employee salaries due to the operational disruptions caused by covered perils.

This coverage is particularly valuable, ensuring that businesses can maintain financial stability and continue operations with minimal impact during the recovery process after a significant loss.

The policy also includes specialised coverages like Machinery & Equipment and Consequential Loss, which cater to the specific needs of businesses relying heavily on operational machinery and equipment.

These protections are pivotal in swiftly restoring business operations to normalcy after a loss, significantly reducing downtime and associated costs.

Overall, Sompo's Property Insurance provides a robust safety net that allows businesses to navigate through the challenges of unexpected damages and disruptions with confidence and resilience.
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Chubb Commercial Fire Insurance

Chubb's Property All Risks Insurance provides comprehensive coverage tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, whether they are mid-sized, large, local, or multinational.

This policy is designed to protect a wide range of properties and businesses, from apartment buildings and commercial offices to modern hotels and large utilities, against virtually all risks of physical loss, destruction, or damage, except those explicitly excluded.

A significant advantage of Chubb’s offering is its flexibility in coverage options, including "Fire & Named Perils" or "All Risks," which cover physical assets, business interruptions, or loss of profits.

This broad coverage ensures that businesses can secure protection against a spectrum of potential risks, enhancing their resilience and stability.

Moreover, Chubb provides a high insurance capacity of up to USD 450 million on a portable maximum loss (PML) basis, which can be placed on either a primary, excess, or full value basis.

This high capacity is complemented by the AAA Fire Safety Risk Management Programme, which involves detailed risk assessments conducted by experienced engineers to further mitigate potential risks.

This combination of tailored coverage, substantial capacity, and proactive risk management makes Chubb’s Property All Risks Insurance a robust solution for safeguarding business assets and ensuring operational continuity across diverse industries.
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NTUC Income Commercial Fire Insurance

NTUC Income's Business Insurance Package provides extensive protection for various business risks, covering fire, theft, and work injury compensation.

This package is designed to secure business enterprises against significant financial loss due to these common threats, ensuring business continuity and operational stability.

The insurance package includes coverage for:

  • Loss or damage of stocks, furniture, fixtures, fittings, and other contents.
  • Theft-related losses, including robbery or any attempted threats.
  • Money loss either in transit within Singapore or when locked in a safe on business premises.
  • Legal liabilities under the Work Injury Compensation Act for any death or bodily injuries to employees.
  • Legal liabilities for third-party property damage or bodily injuries.

Moreover, the package offers options for enhancing coverage to include plate glass damage, business interruption, personal accidents, and fidelity guarantee.

This flexibility allows businesses to tailor the insurance to fit their specific needs and risk exposures.

NTUC Income’s comprehensive approach in offering both fundamental protections and optional add-ons makes it an adaptable solution for a wide range of business types, providing a reliable safety net that supports business resilience against multiple fronts of potential risks.

How to apply for a comparison session?

Step 1

Submit a request for a quote with Corporate Cover. Based on your request, we will match you with one of our MAS-licensed partners.

Step 2

Our partners will obtain quotations from the respective insurers and help you compare based on price, features, and suitability.​

Step 3

Once you've found the perfect commercial fire insurance policy, feel free to purchase it from a friend, directly from the insurer, or from our partners!

What is the difference between commercial fire insurance and commercial property insurance?

Commercial fire insurance specifically covers damages to a business’s property and contents resulting from fires.

This includes repair and replacement costs for structures and contents, as well as potential loss of income during restoration.

On the other hand, commercial property insurance provides a broader range of coverage. It not only includes fire damage but also covers losses from other perils such as theft, vandalism, certain weather-related damages, and accidents.

Commercial property insurance is more comprehensive, making it suitable for businesses looking for extensive protection beyond just fire-related incidents.

What does commercial fire insurance cover?

Commercial fire insurance covers damages to your business property and its contents caused by fire.

This includes the costs of repairing and rebuilding physical structures, as well as replacing equipment, furniture, and inventory destroyed by fire.

Additionally, it often extends to cover loss of income if business operations are interrupted due to fire damage, helping to sustain the business financially during the recovery period.

This insurance is essential for mitigating the severe financial impact a fire can have on business continuity and stability.

How much does commercial fire insurance cost in Singapore?

The cost of commercial fire insurance in Singapore can vary widely depending on several factors such as the size of the business premises, the value of the insured contents, the location, and the specific risk factors associated with the business operations.

Typically, premiums are calculated based on the risk assessment of potential fire hazards in the property, the construction materials of the building, and any fire prevention systems in place.

For a tailored and accurate quote, you are advised to consult with insurance specialists who can provide a customised insurance plan based on your specific needs and risk profile.

What is the cheapest commercial fire insurance in Singapore?

The cheapest commercial fire insurance in Singapore can vary depending on the insurer and the specific coverage options a business chooses.

To find the most cost-effective option, you should compare quotes from different insurers, considering the price and the extent of coverage provided.

Working with insurance brokers (like our partners) who have access to multiple insurers can also help in finding the best rates.

These professionals can leverage their relationships and knowledge of the market to secure competitive premiums that meet the specific needs of the business without compromising on essential protection.

Can I buy commercial fire insurance online?

Yes, you can purchase commercial fire insurance online in Singapore through Corporate Cover’s partners.

Submit your request, provide us with the necessary details, and our partners will assist with getting you a quote.

From here, you can purchase your commercial fire insurance online.

What commercial fire insurers can your partners help me with?

Our partners have the capability to broker for a wide range of reputable insurers, ensuring you have access to a diverse selection of commercial fire insurance options.

Some of the insurers they can broker for include:

  • AIG
  • Allianz
  • AXA
  • Cigna Global
  • Liberty
  • MSIG
  • NTUC Income
  • Singlife
  • Sompo
  • Tokio Marine.


This broad network allows us to cater to varying business needs and preferences, helping you find the most suitable coverage for your specific requirements.

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Why you should get your commercial fire insurance with Corporate Cover


Access to Expert Guidance

When you choose Corporate Cover, you're not just buying insurance; you're gaining access to a network of seasoned insurance specialists.

Our partners are experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of commercial fire insurance and are committed to finding you the best coverage.

They'll guide you through the selection process, ensuring that your business is protected against fire risks while also considering your financial and operational needs.


Cost-Effective Insurance Solutions

We connect you with partners who can offer you the most competitive rates for commercial fire insurance.

By leveraging their extensive network and negotiating power, our partners ensure that you receive premium insurance solutions at lower costs.

This means you can allocate more of your budget towards growing your business, secure in the knowledge that you are well-protected without overspending.


Compliance with Industry Regulations

Navigating the complex regulatory requirements of commercial fire insurance can be challenging.

Our partners are well-versed in the legal and regulatory aspects specific to Singapore and will help ensure that your coverage meets all necessary standards.

This compliance not only protects you from legal repercussions but also enhances your reputation as a reliable and conscientious business owner.

Find The Perfect Commercial Fire Insurance Policy Today!